
Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Wow. What a crazy weekend! Went to New Orleans with some friends for a long weekend. Got to see alot of the city including the Krewe du Viewx parade, which was crazy!  I got hit on the head with a stick, and got charcoal wiped on my face, Interesting to say the least. The architecture was beautiful, and I love all the history, there was a ton of walking though my feet still hurt! All in all a great weekend with good friends. Now to figure out our next adventure and get some sleep, back to work till Sunday. 


  1. Did you drive through my town and not stop to say hi?!

  2. Hey Kelly... LOVIN' the new blog! Super cute... and also those photos (what sort of filter is that?) Hope life is grand...

  3. No Mags at least I don't think so I asked Heath and he said you were 5 hrs away. Im sorry though I miss you!

    Thanks Lindsay! you look great by the way I just looking through your pictures on FB! its a polaroid app you can download to you computer I love it! I hope you doing good I can't wait to see pics of you little girl!

  4. Aww, ok. Well I'm glad you remembered that I live out here! haha I'm coming to Atlanta when Jana does. Cannot wait to see you!!!!


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